Thursday, January 3, 2013

Featured Author Rhonda Plumhoff Day 4

Effortless Weekday Meals

Blurb:  Everyone deserves a home cooked meal, whether it takes 30 minutes or 2 hours, you and your family deserve the best. As a working mom I found shortcuts to some of my family’s favorite meals. 25 quick and budget minded recipes, from breakfast to dessert. I hope you enjoy them.

 Erotic Treats

Blurb: There is more to passion than just sex. In most cases food plays a key factor in how sexy we feel and certain foods trigger a sexual response. So, why not combine the best of both worlds, erotic stories and food. Whipped cream and chocolate sauce can be poured on and licked off, but sexy foods are not all about what's the easiest to consume off your partners bodies.
Food can also be about setting a mood, about letting down your guard and getting silly. Because sex is more fun when you let loose and food can help us get there. The recipes included in this book all contain at least one (what I would like to call) sexy foods. Here are a few recipes and erotic stories to enjoy with that special someone in your life to make that romantic night extra special.

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