Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Featured Author...... Cody Reel

Jack Delanger is a man that gets what he wants. And what he wants is sexual violence. He tries to maintain a "normal" profile by owning a couple of businesses like a "normal" person would, but biting off more than he can chew has left his trail back to him, and how he's being confronted face-to-face for the first time.

Matt Ginner and his father, Johnson, also have to come face-to-face with their own demons: Matt's blind optimism and Johnson's low self-esteem.
Who will conquer their demons, and what, if anything, can stop Jack from terrorizing Manic?

Get your copy from AMAZON!

-----Cody Reel will be featured thru  Oct. 31st.  Starting today until the end of the feature ""Dark" is FREE on Amazon so head over and get your copy.  Don't forget to check back tomorrow to learn more about his works.-----

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