Title: My Vampire In Shining Armor
Author: Carlie Rose
Genre: Fantasy/Paranormal/Fiction
Caroline is more than she seems. The road of her life has been plagued with abuse, until a certain immortal came her way. Damian is the man of her dreams, but he must fight to save her from the clutches of her brother, and then her father. Plagued by indecision, Damian fears for Caroline's life.
If he doesn't act soon, she'll leave him, lost to him forever. If that's not bad enough, her father's curse threatens to rip them apart.
What will happen? Will they survive or will the curse destroy them?
Caroline is more than she seems. The road of her life has been plagued with abuse, until a certain immortal came her way. Damian is the man of her dreams, but he must fight to save her from the clutches of her brother, and then her father. Plagued by indecision, Damian fears for Caroline's life.
If he doesn't act soon, she'll leave him, lost to him forever. If that's not bad enough, her father's curse threatens to rip them apart.
What will happen? Will they survive or will the curse destroy them?
Buy Links
Createspace: https://www.createspace.com/4194235
B&N: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/my-vampire-in-shining-armor-carlie-rose/1108487767?ean=2940015950090
About the author:
Carlie Rose is
currently living in Sylvester, Georgia. She spends her days looking after her
daughter as she writes her stories. Stories that take her to new worlds &
let her live through her characters’ lives. It’s hard for her family to pull
her out of those beautiful worlds, for her characters are just a part of her as
much as her human family.
Connect with
Email: carlierose28@yahoo.com
CarlieRose @CarlieRose28
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carlie.rose.509
B&N Author Page: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/c/carlie-rose
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_8?ie=UTF8&field-author=Carlie+Rose&search-alias=books&text=Carlie+Rose&sort=relevancerank
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